How Much Money Can I Save On Bills With An AC Tune‑Up?

Can you save money with an AC tune-up?
Your AC may be a lifesaver with super high temperatures this summer, but have you given it the support it needs to work properly? Is an AC tune-up essential, or is it just a way to get extra money out of you? How much money can you save on bills with an AC tune-up?
In nearly all situations, an AC tune-up is worth every dollar you spend on it.
According to ENERGY STAR, air conditioners use about 5% of all electricity in the U.S., and a tune-up could help your system use less, keeping money in your pocket. Just having a clean filter could reduce energy consumption by up to 15%. Additional services you may need could boost that significantly higher.
We’ll go over what you can expect during an AC tune-up, including:
Want to save the most possible? Schedule your AC tune-up with Advantage Air Mechanical.
We'll work with you to ensure your AC is working at its most efficient level with our tune-ups. With over 30 years of experience, our trusted and high-trained technicians will spot anything that could be causing your AC to cost you too much money. We offer convenient 2-hour scheduling windows and upfront, transparent pricing. Give us a call at (520) 792-9400 or schedule an appointment online.
Check for Clogged Air Filters
One of the first steps we'll take is to check the air filters in your air conditioner. The air filter works to remove particles from the air as it comes into the system. This helps to prevent those particles from entering the HVAC system and clogging it up.
Air filters are notoriously dirty, often filled with dust, dander from pets, allergens, and debris. They work very well to catch all of this material and hold onto it to prevent it from getting deep into your system. However, if the air filter clogs up due to too much material, air cannot easily flow through it, forcing your AC to work harder to pull in the air.
We'll inspect it, determine if it's time to replace it, and remove the air filter. Plus, we'll also clear away any dust and debris in the area.
Ensure Proper Refrigerant Levels
Your air conditioner may use a refrigerant to help cool air as it comes into the system. That refrigerant isn't a fuel that you can use up. It's a liquid recycled through the system over and over again. In some situations, leaks can develop. Those leaks may cause the air conditioner to become far less efficient. You may notice your home feels hotter than it used to at the same temp setting.
If your air conditioner is blowing air through the vents, and that air isn't cool, that's a sign you need the refrigerant checked. Without a check, the AC will continue to run and overconsume energy as it tries to cool down your home to meet the temperature settings.
We'll inspect the levels and refill them if necessary. If there's a significant leak, we'll look for that, too. You may need additional AC repairs.
Guarantee The Thermostat is Working Properly

A properly programmed thermostat can save you on your energy bills.
Another step in the process is to inspect your home's thermostat. This is the component of the system that tells the AC when to turn on and off. You set the temperature, and when the thermostat detects that it's too warm in the home, it turns on the AC to cool things down.
Thermostats need proper programming to work well. They also wear down over time and need replacement. Our goal is to determine if it is working properly or needs adjustment. That's important to reduce your energy consumption, too. Without a functional thermostat, it may be causing your AC to work harder and longer, increasing your energy bills.
Inspect for Broken Parts
Most ACs don't require a lot of repair during an AC tune-up if you maintain it properly throughout the year. However, we want to visually inspect the entire system to look for any worn, damaged, or broken parts.
Sometimes critters can begin to eat away at the wiring. We may notice a lot of wear and tear on the motor components. Our goal here is to find out if there's anything not properly functioning to boost efficiency and extend the lifespan of your system. That's an important way to save money, too.
Clean the Indoor and Outdoor Units

Cleaning your indoor and outdoor AC units improve their efficiency.
Your technician will inspect your AC system's indoor and outdoor components. The outdoor components can easily become clogged with leaves and debris that get in the way of the system pulling in needed air. That leads to inefficiencies and higher costs to operate your system. Our team will look for any signs of potential damage to the AC system and, when possible, work to improve its overall operational quality.
It's all of these steps that create significant savings for you. An AC tune-up is simply a good idea that will likely save you money. If there are problems, we may recommend repairs or give you insight into how to improve your home's efficiency.
Schedule an AC Tune-Up with Advantage Air Mechanical Today

Contact Advantage Air Mechanical for a reliable AC tune-up!
Advantage Air Mechanical has provided exceptional customer service for our clients throughout the area since 1987. We strive to provide our clients with fair, honest prices and only the best in trained technicians, ensuring you are 100% satisfied with our work.
Schedule an AC tune-up today. We offer convenient scheduling options that fit your schedule. Call Advantage Air Mechanical at (520) 792-9400 now.
It's also a good idea to learn more about our maintenance plans, which provide you with two free tune-ups each year, along with discounts on repairs, extended labor warranties, and even faster scheduling!
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